Chef Hainanese Western Food at Margaret Drive Queenstown

JULY 10, 2023

The chicken chop was okay, fairly tender with some bite. The skin was grilled quite nicely with some crisp and some char, and the sauce was some sort of savoury sweet mushroom like sauce. The fries and coleslaw were meh, but there was a whole boiled potato by the side. Really an average old school chicken chop. I didn’t quite understand the shouting here though, that rang through the entire hawker centre. When the chef shouts that number 4 is ready, isn’t it possible that there will be a few who had ordered number 4? Hence the bewilderedness of patrons waiting around the stall. The opening hours are also a surprisingly short 2 hours for a hawker stall like this.

Margaret Drive Hawker Centre, 38A Margaret Drive, #01-04, Singapore 142038, open Fri to Wed 7 to 9pm, close Thu

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